
2010-present: Postdoctoral Researcher, Senior Software Developer, King’s College London and University of Oxford

  • Currently focused on developing biomedical visualization and data processing software package
  • Software engineering support for CHeart
  • Development of Anatomical Model Database and web services for VPH

2005-2010: DPhil in Computing, University of Oxford

  • Thesis focused on formal methods in object-oriented programming and software engineering
  • Assisted courses at the Software Engineering Programme

2001-2005: HBSc Computer Science with Software Engineering Specialization, University of Western Ontario

Current Work


  • Current work is focused on developing a visualization and data processing platform for biomedical data
  • Objective is to provide tools for rendering simulation data, anatomical meshes, and imaging data in one environment, and analyze this data for diagnostic and comparison purposes
  • Tools can be developed from this framework to implement specific workflows in a usable intuitive interface accessible to both researchers and clinicians


  • Current CHeart work includes software engineering support
  • Maintaining unit test framework, code testing infrastructure, and developer support web services