CHeart development is carried out by a number of Lecturers and post-docs at King’s College London with the aim of supporting biomedical simulation in the clinic.
Current Developers
Maximilian Balmus (Fluid-Structure Interaction)
Andreas Hessenthaler (Multigrid in time)
Eric Kerfoot (Automatic Code Generation, Testing, CHeart Diagnostics)
Jack Lee (Poromechanics, Solid Mechanics, Multi-Physics)
David Nordsletten (Project Leader, Fluid Mechanics, Solid Mechanics, Parameter Estimation, Multi-Physics)
CHeart has greatly benefited from a number of skilled academic researchers who have moved on to bigger and better things!
Previous Developers
Liya Asner (Fluid Mechanics, Linear Solvers, Parameter Estimation)
Andrew Cookson (Scalar Transport Modeling, Expressions)
Lauren Fovargue (Cardiac Mechanics)
Matt McCormick (LVAD Modeling, Fictitious Domain Methods, FSI)
Christian Michler (Coupled Darcy Flow Modeling, 1D Blood Flow Modeling)
Ishani Roy (Electrophysiology, ODE Cell Models)
Taha Sochi (1D Blood Flow Modeling, Coupled Darcy Flow Modeling)
Guillermo Vigueras (GPU Electromechanics, Linear Solvers)
No tool is worth building without using and CHeart benefits from engagement with a number of academic researchers.
Adelaide de Vecchi (Ventricular Flow, Cardiac Fluid-Solid Mechanics)
Fabrizio Donati (Pressure Poisson, Non-invasive pressure estimation)
Myrianthi Hadjicharalambous (Cardiac Mechanics)
Ondrej Holub (MR Elastography)
Simone Rivolo (1D Blood Flow Modeling)